Looks like Karthika is enjoying every bit of shooting for SP Jhananathan’s Purampokku. She says, “We shifted from snowy Kullu Manali to the deserts of Jodhpur. The climate change was drastic, but we quickly got comfortable in the setting. In Manali, I shot for a tap dance sequence; walking on snow in itself was difficult! And here, I will be shooting a scene that will require me to drive a high power jeep and perform stunts simultaneously. I’m looking forward to the shoot here.” The actress says she will be one of the boys in the film. “Whatever the guys do, I will also be doing it!” she smiles. Meanwhile, not many know that Karthika is also an artist. “I had taken up art as a subject in my college; it’s very difficult to get your nuances right at the beginning. But I was glad I scored the highest in it, even though I was shooting for my films then. But now, I don’t find much time to paint,” she says.

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